Greetings Sojourners,
This week you get two posts to make up for last week!

This week along with some very pictures in a very dutch city, I want to talk about very DUTCH things that I have adapted to rather quickly!
I do not remember the last time I was on a bike, maybe four years! However, a dear friend told me early on that cycling was the most popular form of transportation. And surprise. It is. Children take bike riding lessons the way we take driver's education in the states, except they start in primary school. They learn bike laws and the right of way for cyclists, Which, from what I have deferred, is… always. If there is a cyclist… they have the right of way… always. I might be wrong, but from the dirty looks, I have gotten while trying to learn how to navigate while on a bike, I would say. The cycle's always right. Despite being a little hard to get used to, I love it! You are still quicker riding slowly on a bike than walking fast. I have become surprisingly used to riding my bike to the gym and errands around town. I am nowhere near as good as the children in the primary school down the road, but with practice, I am sure to get it.
2. Zero (almost) plastic bags
All of the supermarkets are BYOB (Bring your on BAG). I love that it helps you be more eco-friendly, but it is also proof that businesses and corporations have the power to change consumers' behavior. Yes, I still forget my bag but buy a new reusable bag. I feel a lot better knowing I am not using single-use plastic.
3. Trash laws
Recycling is no joke! It's not just recycling and rubbish. It's Bio anything biodegradable, so food scraps and such. I was surprised at how much I use this trash bin. There is recycling! Paper, plastic, aluminum, and glass. They are all separate, and the grocery shops will buy back almost all of the glass bottles you use. I've been drinking a lot of white port!

Until next time, Stay Hydrated. Take your Vitamins and be Kind.