Greeting Sojourners:

For my third week in Europe, I decided to take a quick trip to visit a dear friend in Valencia, Spain.
I met up with my dear friend, Carlos, and his family! But Before then I decided to take a Bus ride From Eersel to Valencia!
My trip looked a little like this:
05:00 wake-up
05:15 walk to the Eersel Bus Station
05:30: Eersel Bus to Eindhoven Central
07:30: Eersel to Paris Bus Station
15:30: Arrive in Paris
17:30: Depart Paris to Valencia
Noon: Arrive in Valencia.
The bus ride was a once-in-a-lifetime experience! I flew back. It was a quick 2-hour flight.
However, I told myself that this was a time of adventure and growth. I was most pleased with my first leg of the trip. The bus was empty, so I had plenty of room to read and get comfy. Sleeping was not an option because buses are terrible for sleeping.
After a quick lunch in Paris! I was ready for 18 hours on a bus with 50 of my new best friends. I sat in the back, hoping I would stop folks from sitting next to me… it did not. The bus was to the brim. 'Adventurer', I reminded myself! Wanted desperately to buy a flight to my final destiantion.
While on this adventure, I met two people who struck me.
You are not a 'normal' American.
The first was a Muslim man from Pakistan. He asked me about life in the States and how I'm able to just go away from work and school. We chatted about American Movies and his love for America. How he drea
ms of someday traveling to America. I could not help to think how Rosey his view of the United States was. Then he asked me. What I knew about his native country of Pakistan after rattling off a few facts that I pulled out of cobwebs in my memory box. He smiled and laughed saying “you are not a normal American you know that Pakistan is not India” I laughed as I thought to myself “you have NO idea buddy!” Th
en we talked about my time in India and his observance of Ramadan. When we stopped for food after sundown a few of his companions insisted I eat with them and share in the makeshift feast they prepared. I was honored, floored, and will carry this encounter in my heart forever.
Compared to the Pyramids we are all young.
The second was a young woman traveling with her little brother. They spoke french for most of the trip as they are students at the University of Paris. She was studying law and he was studying engineering.
She was special because she was sharp and so beautiful! If she is the future of lawyers I am very hopeful. We talked about racial and economic injustices we talked about the meaning of life and moral ethics four hours later! We noticed we were the only people awake on the bus.
I hold her that she and her brother made me feel so old! I wish I had her understanding and woke ten years ago. She responded “Comparados a las pyramides todos somos jovenes” I laughed hard! This beautiful, wise young woman reminded me that, that is the true meaning of it all… to remember that no matter how old we feel we are all young and still have so much to learn.
Finally, we arrived at our destination.
Valencia was beautiful! I was in awe of how old this city is!

Pause for a Brief History Lesson:
Spain was invaded by the Moores in 711 ad. Where they held power over the kingdom for 700 years. Valencia is on the West coast of the peninsula and VERY Mediterranean. Therefore, Valencia lent itself to a lot of Arabic influences. Influences that still exist in Spanish culture… culture that still exists even in Latina America.
Here are some examples of Arabic influences on the Spanish language:
Albreca- pool
Alfromba- rug
Ala- wing
Oh’halla- and expression used meaning “If God wills it”
Marroquin- my last name means Moroccan royalty. (Fitting! I think)

The Valencian architecture has both Roman and Arabic infulance. Even many signs were made in Arabic! My friend and personal tour guide, Carlos, mentioned the purpose is that the most people can understand and get along within the town. I wish we understood this in the states too.
I was able to do touristy things, eat great food, and spend some wonderful quality time with my good friend. My faviorte part was Carols trying to get me lost by taking different ways to and from my AirB&B. Unfortunately, my short get-a-way was overshadowed by getting my phone pickpocketed! My dear friend took it much harder than I!

However, I learned a few things:
I am surprisingly unattached to my cellphone!
When all is said and done, I know how to accept help when it is given to me.
When you lose a mobile. It is hard to replace it, especially in another country. But, When you have to rely on others to help you it is surprisingly easy to just be!
All in all! It was a beautiful trip; spending time with friends is always worth the trip, the time, and the energy. We walked so much that I tore a hole in my NEW shoes. We laughed so much I cried! And we ate and drank until we could not walk! All of the components of a great getaway.

Until next time, Stay Hydrated. Take your Vitamins and be Kind.
This one is a little longer to make up for not writing last week! I will also have two posts this week.
PSS: Happy Mother’s Day!