Hi. Welkom.
On February 9, I decided I was going to Holland for three months.
In true Mari fashion, I did not plan too much! Once I made the decision, it was just about making it happen. I found a cute Air B&B near a bus lane.
I cried because Jersey could not come with me because of COVID restrictions. I bought a flight to Amsterdam and made sure I had my passport. A lot more went into the preparation, but I will spear you the days/weeks of crying and "what the heck am I doing" internal conversation with myself and Jersey.
The few friends I told wanted me to share my joys and stories from the trip! So, here we are, reviving this blog and committing to writing to you at least once a week. I will share the good, the bad, and the excitement about trying to live as an ex-pat.
Make sure to sign and get notifications when I post.
Thanks for your love and support!
Until next time, take your vitamins, stay hydrated, and be kind.